Know your Flo Masterclass

This free masterclass is for you if you want to ditch monthly PMS, balance your hormones, know what to expect with your period every month and take charge of your hormones for good.

  • What does a natural cycle look like

  • The female cycle in motion

  • The seasons of the menstrual cycle

  • Why you have PMS and how to manage it

  • Nutrition and lifestyle for your hormones

  • My go to supplements for PMS

  • Coming off the pill with ease

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Client Feedback

“The slides and diagrams were really helpful, MJ is really good at explaining things and I learnt a lot of things about the menstrual cycle that I never knew, I was honestly glued to the screen, it was amazing to learn more about hormones and ovulation.”

“The PowerPoint was a lovely visual support throughout the workshop, having the slides and recording to look on back on is great as it is difficult to remember everything at once, and how the different types of PCOS are mentioned but ways to support PCOS symptoms are simplified no matter what type/mixed type you have. It was also great to have questions answered during it.”

” I loved how MJ emphasised that “normal” is different for everyone as some people can get hung up on trying to fit into a category.

“I would rate the masterclass 10/10 I really want to learn more about my cycle now”

An easy to understand, and actionable workshop to target the goal of lessening and reversing PCOS symptoms.”

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