Free PCOS Masterclass 


  • If you’ve been struggling to manage your PCOS symptoms, you are not alone.

  • When I first received my PCOS diagnosis, I was overwhelmed with all of the information I came accross.

  • What I really needed was a customized, actionable, step-by-step plan to manage my symptoms and get my life back.

  • That’s why I created my 3 Step Framework to managing your PCOS and start reducing your symptoms including weight gain, excess hair growth and irregular periods for GOOD!

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3 step framework to break free from PCOS
Self-guided approach. Learn at your own pace!
An online presentation

With my PCOS MasterClass, you will take the fast lane to managing your PCOS symptoms. I’ve packed tons of invaluable information into an efficient, easy-to-digest format so that you can get started TODAY!

What you will learn
  • What is the best way to eat for PCOS.
  • What is the most important supplement for PCOS.
  • What type of exercise should you do for PCOS and fat loss and why?
  • What the pill does for PCOS.

We will bust some of the most common myths about PCOS, and take a no-nonsense approach to nutrition, and how important food and lifestyle are to managing this condition.

Sign me up!

This program ideal for anyone who

  • Wants to learn more about PCOS and managing it the right way for good

  • Is newly diagnosed or has PCOS for years and have not been able to get on top of your symptoms

  • Feels confused or overwhelmed, and is unsure where to begin to start making progress with PCOS.

  • Has been told the pill is the only option or to come back when you want to get pregnant

What you can expect after taking this MasterClass

  • Gain confidence in your ability to manage your PCOS and know what to straight away to start managing your symptoms

  • Feel empowered and excited to put the steps into action, knowing you are on the right path

  • Gather new, invaluable tools to take control of your life and your health

  • Understand how PCOS affects the body and how much control you have over managing your condition

Client Feedback

“I liked learning how the sugar and insulin works moving to the bloodstream. I liked learning that carbohydrates aren’t bad for you but must be eaten with protein to keep blood sugars stable. I enjoyed learning about the different supplements to try for PCOS. I liked the way Mary Jo taught us about PCOS, her teaching style I mean.”

“The PowerPoint was a lovely visual support throughout the workshop, having the slides and recording to look on back on is great as it is difficult to remember everything at once, and how the different types of PCOS are mentioned but ways to support PCOS symptoms are simplified no matter what type/mixed type you have. It was also great to have questions answered during it”

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