
Coaching Testimonials

“Mary Jo was so through, has a great understanding of food and nutrition. Always available to help and answer any questions. Made the plan individual to me which was fantastic.”

I enjoyed the weekly check ins with personalised feedback.  I found Mary-Jo to be supportive and understanding.  It’s great to get nutritional advice and information that is specific to PCOS.  Advice regarding supplements was also excellent. 

5 star- I had a positive coaching experience with MJ. She is very knowledgeable in the field of nutrition and hormonal health. She helped me to eat more mindfully, reduce the stress on my body by reducing exercise and build healthier habits.


Having someone supportive, compassionate & non-judgemental (who is also experienced in this area) to talk about hormonal issues.

Mary-Jo was always so organised for calls and feedback and was always so quick to provide answers aswell! She had a wealth of knowledge and will do the research to make sure she has the answers to your questions!


The weekly check in forms had a wide variety of questions that made me really reflect on the week and look at everything holistically!

The feedback each week and suggestions for improvement or comments on what you did well was great. It was nice to hear the positive feedback each week. Anything that could have been better by me each week was highlighted which was great.

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PCOS Masterclass

The PowerPoint was a lovely visual support throughout the workshop, having the slides and recording to look on back on is great as it is difficult to remember everything at once, and how the different types of PCOS are mentioned but ways to support PCOS symptoms are simplified no matter what type/mixed type you have. It was also great to have questions answered during it.

I liked learning how the sugar and insulin works moving to the bloodstream. I liked learning that carbohydrates sent bad for you but must be eaten with protein to keep blood sugars stable. I enjoyed learning about the different supplements to try for PCOS. I liked the way Mary Jo taught us about PCOS, her teaching style I mean.

An easy to understand, and actionable workshop to target the goal of lessening and reversing PCOS symptoms.

Very informative and easy to understand


1-1 Coaching

Your nutrition coaching should be just as unique as you are. 

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PCOS Masterclass on Demand

If you’ve been struggling to manage your PCOS symptoms, you are not alone.

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